How Will Cockroaches Die in Cold Weather?

Cockroaches are adapted to survive low temperatures, and it is therefore not a surprise that they can be seen in early winter in temperatures as low as 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. However, it is important to remember that if the temperature suddenly drops below 0 degrees Fahrenheit or -17 degrees Celsius, the cockroaches will most likely freeze to death. The temperature will also shock the cockroach, which is why it is a good idea to protect the cockroaches from extreme temperatures.

In the cold, roaches conserve their energy to survive. They will not move an inch unless absolutely necessary, so they can save up their energy for food and water. This means that they can go a month or more without food, water, or shelter if they are not in a place that will warm them up. However, if you do not provide them with warm water or food, cockroaches will most likely die.

Cockroaches live outdoors and move indoors during the winter, but they cannot survive below 15 degrees Fahrenheit. According to Virginia Tech entomology professor Dini M. Miller, the American cockroach cannot survive temperatures that are below this limit. In Michigan, the American cockroach spends the winter in decaying woodpiles.