How to Spot Cockroach Eggs

If you’re having trouble spotting cockroaches, one of the most important signs you need to look for are cockroach eggs. Cockroach eggs are hard to miss as they look like small grains of rice or dried kidney beans. Normally, you won’t see them when they’re out in the open because female cockroaches don’t carry their egg sacks with them. Instead, they lay them in dark and warm areas, such as cracks and holes.

When it comes to detecting cockroach eggs, the best way is to check for them on a daily basis. These little creatures tend to live in places with high amounts of crumbs and other organic matter. They also love dark, damp places, so cleaning up these areas is a must. If you step on a cockroach egg, you’ll want to destroy the egg as quickly as possible. In addition to killing the cockroach, you should also take care to remove the cockroach’s body.

To identify a cockroach’s egg, look for the ootheca. It is a small sack that contains the eggs. The ootheca is similar to the ootheca of some other insects. Both have a glossy surface, parallel transversal lines, and are approximately five to 13 mm in length. Female cockroaches typically carry their egg cases for several days before laying them.