How to Remove a Cockroach Smear

A cockroach smear is a telltale sign of an infestation. The best way to remove the marks is with disinfectant. Cockroaches tend to like dark, damp places and they will leave their droppings behind. They can also leave their scent behind in the form of an unpleasant odor.

Cockroaches produce dark, irregular smear marks on surfaces. These marks resemble ground coffee or black pepper. They are often less than one millimeter wide and can vary in size. Roach droppings contain dangerous bacteria that can trigger allergies and asthma in humans. The marks are often present on surfaces near crevices and wall-floor junctions.

Cockroach poop can be harmful to your health, so be sure to thoroughly wash all surfaces you come in contact with. The feces of German and Oriental roaches can contaminate your kitchen and can make you sick. Also, their skin can irritate your skin and can trigger asthma.

Cockroach droppings are often mistaken for those of mice or rats. You may need a magnifying glass to make a positive identification. In addition to droppings, cockroaches will also leave discarded shells and egg cases, which can lead to an infestation.

You should use a disinfectant to kill the bacteria on the roach feces. However, it is important to wash the area thoroughly to prevent allergens. You should also use a cleaning solution made with vinegar, soap, and water. After you’ve cleaned the area, let it dry thoroughly.