How Often Do Cockroaches Go in Ears?

Cockroaches are known to get stuck in ears and if they’re not removed promptly, they can live for weeks without food and water. During this time, they may cause infections and even hearing loss. To remove them, flush the ear canal with olive or mineral oil. You can also use a Q-tip to pound them out.

Even though entomologists don’t keep statistics on how often they get bugs in their ears, it is still a possibility. Even entomologists occasionally find bugs in their faces when they work in black light. So it’s not surprising that a cockroach might be attracted to the darkness of a dark, waxy ear.

If you’re not able to remove the bug by shaking your head gently, you can try to rinse it out by using warm water and a bulb syringe from an earwax removal kit. However, make sure to do this gently as you don’t want to damage the ear canal.

A patient who went to the emergency room once told a doctor that a cockroach had gotten inside their ear. This doctor, who had performed hundreds of ear exams, was surprised to see a cockroach in a patient’s ear. However, he was shocked to see it magnified. The physician jumped back and fell over the floor. The patient became hysterical.