How to Get Rid of Cockroaches From Your Microwave

If you want to make your microwave last longer, you must keep your kitchen free of cockroaches. Cockroaches thrive in warm and dark places. A cockroach infestation will not only cause your microwave to stop working, but it will also spread bacterial, viral, and protozoal diseases. In addition, cockroaches chew on microwave wiring, which can cause fire and damage the appliance.

The first step in getting rid of a cockroach infestation in your microwave is to unplug it and remove the outer covering. Once you’ve removed any food and removed any roaches that are stuck, use a white vinegar and water solution to wipe down the inside of the microwave’s door. This solution is effective in cutting grease and oil that the roaches leave behind.

Another way to get rid of roaches from your microwave is to spray it with disinfectant. Make sure that the disinfectant is safe to use on food appliances. Let the disinfectant stand for at least fifteen minutes to kill any remaining roaches. Do not leave the cleaning solution on wet surfaces near electrical appliances.

The next step is to call a professional pest control company. A cockroach infestation can quickly get out of control. They are usually attracted to dark and moist environments, and they spend the majority of their time hiding and looking for food. You can also try using sticky traps to monitor the roaches and treat them accordingly.