How Many Cockroaches in NYC?

If you live in New York City, you have likely encountered cockroaches. These insects can be spotted on the streets, subway, and inside people’s homes. In fact, the American Housing Survey found that 1 in 6 New Yorkers have seen a cockroach in their home. These insects belong to the class Blattodea, which includes other critters like spiders and centipedes. Their ancestry dates back to the Jurassic period. In fact, some internet sources estimate that cockroaches are over 300 million years old.

Cockroaches are unique insects with unusual characteristics. They can live without a head for more than a week, thanks to their open circulatory system and the holes in their body segments. Because they do not have a head, they do not require a source of food or water to live. However, they are known to be quite harmful to people and can spread harmful pathogens. It is therefore essential to treat an infestation of cockroaches with proper prevention and control.

There are two main types of cockroaches. The German Cockroach and the Oriental Cockroach. Both species have the same life cycle but differ in size. The German Cockroach is about a half-inch long, has wings, and prefers indoor environments. Cockroaches are nocturnal pests, feeding only at night and resting during the day. Oriental Cockroaches are one inch long and dark brown in color. They prefer decomposing organic matter to feed on.