How Long Do Cockroaches Take to Grow?

Cockroaches are among the oldest insects in the world, and their life cycle plays a vital role in their survival. They have more than 200 siblings within a single year. This means that their lifespan depends on where they are living and the temperature they are exposed to. This makes it important to keep your home as cool as possible.

Cockroach eggs hatch after around 28 days. They develop a protective shell and mature enough to hatch. Once they hatch, they go through a stage known as nymph. Nymphs are smaller than adult cockroaches and may move faster. They will eventually turn into fully-grown adults.

Oriental cockroaches are good at adapting to their environment. Their lifespan is around 160 days for females and 180 days for males. Oriental cockroaches can live outdoors or indoors, and prefer to hide in warm, dark places where they can easily find food. They are visible only when lights are turned on.

In the wild, a cockroach can survive for up to a month without food. However, they are highly susceptible to dehydration. If they are left without food for a week or more, they will no longer be able to survive. Without food, they will start losing weight. When this happens, their mitosis will slow down by up to 50 percent.