How Fast Do Cockroaches Grow?

You might be wondering, “How fast do cockroaches grow?” Cockroaches are oviparous, which means that their babies grow outside the mother’s body. As a result, they take between eight and 15 months to grow to full adult size.

Cockroach eggs are laid in attics, basements, bathrooms, and kitchens, and they hatch after about 28 days. Cockroach eggs are brown when laid by the female, but change to black after a day. These eggs are sticky and can stick to surfaces. The nymph stage is a little smaller than the adult stage, and the cockroach will moult about six to fourteen times before becoming fully mature.

The lifespan of a cockroach varies, depending on the species and environmental conditions. Some species can live for up to a year, while others can live for up to three months. They will lay multiple egg cases during their lifetime, which means that they can produce as many as 160 baby cockroaches.

Some cockroach species grow much faster than others. Some can reach a size of 18 to 29mm, while others can reach more than a year. German cockroaches grow faster, and can reach adulthood within a few weeks after hatching. The female can lay up to seven egg capsules, and each one contains around 15 eggs.