How Fast Cockroach Reproduce

The number of cockroaches produced each year depends on the species. Some species produce many offspring every year, while others are not able to reproduce as quickly. Some species are known to have long lifespans, ranging from 100 to 150 days. In many cases, the answer to the question of how fast cockroaches reproduce depends on the species and location.

The nymph stage of a cockroach begins when it emerges from its egg capsule. A nymph will molt several times before it matures into an adult. During the final molt, the nymph will develop wings. It takes ten to thirteen instars for a cockroach to reach adulthood.

Female cockroaches increase the capacity to lay eggs once they become adults. The female then stimulates the release of juvenile hormones to speed up egg growth. The resulting faster egg laying will result in larger and more abundant infestations. Interestingly, cockroaches have been around since the Carboniferous period.

The American cockroach produces up to fourteen egg capsules in its lifetime, each containing 16 eggs. The eggs are laid in the female’s ootheca. American roaches lay eggs a few days after fertilization, while German cockroaches carry their eggs for 15 days. Eggs hatch after three to six weeks.