How Fast Can a Cockroach Run?

Cockroaches are extremely fast, and can run at speeds up to 50 body lengths per second. This is nearly 200 miles per hour in human terms. Cockroaches can run on six legs with three knees each, making their movements precise and efficient. They also sprint in bursts, but can stop abruptly if there’s danger ahead.

Cockroaches are not only fast but also very sneaky. They can bolt up to fifty body lengths per second, meaning that they can cover hundreds of miles in a short amount of time. Their stealth makes them nearly impossible to capture. They can also run toward a ledge, grab it with their claws, and swing themselves under it. This method is similar to that of some lizards and reptiles.

Cockroaches can survive up to 30 days without food or water. In contrast, human beings can go for up to seven days without food or water. Their bodies contain sufficient water and food for them to survive, but a month without food or water means that they’ll die within a week. A cockroach can also run about 3 miles per hour.

While cheetahs are among the fastest animals in the world, roaches can run just as fast. According to a study by the University of Sydney, a roach can cover 3.5 km per second (or about 1.5 miles per second). That means that a cockroach that’s a quarter of a human’s length can reach up to 135 miles per hour.