How Expensive is Cockroach Milk?

Cockroach milk is not yet commercially available, but it is on the way to becoming one of the world’s newest super foods. Scientists have discovered the milk crystals produced by the roaches contain four times as much protein as cow’s milk. The milk is a unique blend of proteins and amino acids, and it also contains a significant amount of fats. A South African company called Entomilk is now selling the milk, which comes from sustainably farmed insects.

There is some controversy surrounding cockroach milk. Some scientists are skeptical about its safety. Some have even questioned the ethics of using it for human consumption. Also, if it is ever commercialized, it would require the slaughter of millions of roaches. These concerns are understandable, as there are also many other alternatives.

A 2016 study led by Leonard Chavas showed that a gallon of cockroach milk would require more than 38,000 roaches. The study also found that it took about half a day to process milk from two or three roaches. Using Giphy, the cockroach milk content is similar to that of a shot glass.

Cockroach milk is a nutrient powerhouse, containing all the essential amino acids. However, it is still far from making its way onto supermarket shelves. Researchers are trying to figure out a way to replicate the product in a laboratory.