How Did Cockroach Get Its Name?

The cockroach got its name after it was discovered in 1767 by a Danish entomologist. He had found the insects in spice storage rooms in Europe and gave them to a colleague in Sweden. In 1767, Carl Linnaeus changed the name from cucaracha to germanica, and the cockroach has been known by this name ever since. His collection of specimens took place in northern Germany.

The cockroach belongs to the Blattodea order, which includes more than 4,600 species of insects. The cockroach has a flat oval body, long threadlike antennae, and a leathery integument. Unlike other insects, it does not lay eggs or build nests.

Cockroaches have a unique way of breathing. They have a nervous system outside of their head that allows them to live without food or water for up to 30 days. However, without food, a cockroach will soon die. Consequently, it is important to keep water accessible to cockroaches.

The cockroach is named for its nymph stage, which lasts nine to twelve months. Its nymph stage consists of six to fifteen stages, with some species going through as many as fifteen. This gradual metamorphosis is called paurometabolus. Cockroaches in their nymph stage are small versions of adult roaches. The exoskeleton is soft, but hardens within a few hours.

The cockroach is an ancient insect with a variety of habits that help it survive. It eats animal and plant feces and is dioecious. Its eggs are deposited outside of the body. Some even carry them until they hatch. Cockroaches have a fat body, and the body is full of endosymbiotic bacteria. They are also known to be omnivores, and their waste is beneficial for the soils.