How Can Cockroach Move?

Cockroaches move using a series of mechanisms. First, their back legs are used to sprint. These feet move 27 times per second while the insect is running. Secondly, it can move upside down on vertical surfaces. These traits allow cockroaches to move quickly on different types of surfaces and to prevent themselves from falling.

Lastly, cockroaches’ back legs are thick and elongated. This enables them to reach a larger surface area. Their rear legs, called metathoracic legs, allow them to turn quickly. They work in tandem with a joint between the head and thorax segments. This joint works similarly to a ball and socket joint in humans. These joints allow roaches to move faster and more easily.

Another feature of cockroaches’ locomotion is that they prefer warm temperature. Their preferred temperature range is between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is too high, they will move to cooler environments. Because of these preferences, cockroaches have a set of basic drives that dictate the behavior they perform. For example, cockroaches like to be touched on all sides. This behavior is known as thigmotaxis. They also like to wrap themselves around objects.

Cockroaches are incredible creatures, with many different species in existence. They are very intelligent and adaptive, and this skill is responsible for their survival rate. They have the ability to jump, run, walk, and fly. Their locomotion is so impressive that robotic departments are studying the way cockroaches move so that they can build more advanced robots.