Does a Cockroach Have Feet and Can Crawl?

Most roaches don’t fly, and those that can do so aren’t very good at it. They breathe through holes in their body segments and don’t need a mouth to do so. Those that do have wings use them to glide and “hop” while keeping their feet on the ground. Whether or not a cockroach can fly or crawl is a different question.

Cockroaches have five tarsal segments. The first three are called prothoracic and the third one is called the metathoracic. Both pairs have different roles. The prothoracic leg is the shortest, while the metathoracic leg helps the roach adjust its speed. When it is fully extended, it can reach a speed of 50 body lengths per second.

Cockroaches have six legs, though they’re a little shorter than those of a cricket. Their rear legs are large enough to hop long distances. Crickets, on the other hand, have long, flat legs. Their oval bodies also allow them to squeeze through narrow spaces, and the roaches’ heads are tiny. They also have a cowl-like structure that looks like armor.

Cockroaches are commonly used in biology labs and for testing insecticides. In fact, nearly every entomological research group maintains a culture of cockroaches.