How Can a Cockroach Get Drunk on Beer?

Cockroaches love beer and will drink until they are buzzed. Because beer has a high sugar content, the insects are attracted to it. Alcohol makes them buzzy and intoxicated. This is one of the reasons you should avoid giving beer to cockroaches. Instead, consider using a smoke-bomb style insecticide to chase them out of their hiding places.

Cockroaches are very smelly. They emit a musty, oily, and nauseous odor. They also produce a plethora of nauseous secretions. The smell makes you cringe every time you see one. This makes it even more interesting to learn that cockroaches get drunk on beer. This is because beer contains sugars and hops, which attract cockroaches.

Cockroaches have natural predators like wasps and centipedes, but some of them have been known to like alcohol. Some scientists think the sugars in alcohol make it more appealing to cockroaches. These bugs are small, and live for several months to a couple of years.

Although cockroaches are able to live without food for extended periods, they can’t live without water. Water is important for their survival, and they find water in moist areas. The American cockroach is one example of a water-loving cockroach. This type of roach prefers to live in sewers and storm drains, where they can find the moist conditions they need.