How a Cockroach Can Climb on the Rough Wall the Help of Special Legs

If you’ve ever wondered how cockroaches are able to climb on walls, look no further than their feet. These special pads on their feet allow them to grasp the roughest of surfaces, which makes them an excellent climber. These creatures often climb walls, sleeping areas, furniture, and other structures with ease. While most cockroaches are capable climbers, not all species are. The German cockroach, which is perhaps the most common in the United States, lacks these claws, making it ineffective at climbing glass or other slippery surfaces.

Cockroaches can also climb walls and ceilings by using their specialized legs. These legs contain barbs and claws, which allow them to defy gravity and perform rapid maneuvers. Because of this, cockroaches can run up walls and ceilings upside down.

Generally, cockroaches climb walls in order to escape from a threat. They do this by inserting their claws into irregularities in walls and holding on. If you’d like to prevent cockroaches from climbing on walls, you can use silicone tape. The tape can be applied on rough surfaces, bedposts, and walls.

Cockroaches have six claws on their legs, which allow them to climb walls and ceilings. They can even climb fabric, and are often drawn to warm areas in homes.