Does Cockroach Need Water?

A question frequently asked is: “Does cockroach need water?” The answer varies according to species. Some are aquatic, others terrestrial. Cockroaches cannot swim, but they do find traction in water. Some species can navigate underwater, such as the Oriental cockroach, but this ability is incidental and unrelated to their ability to swim.

When you give a roach water, you must make sure it does not freeze. Roaches are more resistant to cold than heat, so the freezing point of water will work against them. One study found that roaches could survive in water that was 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but if it was below that temperature, they would die.

Moreover, a cockroach can survive for a week or two without food or water. But a human only survives about three days without water. Thus, a key to preventing a cockroach infestation is to remove all water sources. In fact, a cockroach needs as little as a drop of water a day to stay alive. Its ability to survive without water and food is a testament to their resilience and adaptability.

It is not known how long a cockroach can hold its breath underwater, but some species do. Although they may be able to hold their breath, they do not use the same technique as a human, and their spiracles are closed to keep the water out.