Do You Drink Cockroaches in Coffee?

If you drink coffee, you might be wondering if there are cockroaches in it. While they aren’t attracted to coffee per se, they do like garbage, food, and other types of waste. Unfortunately, some of them find their way into the mounds of coffee beans, where they often feed and live. Even if you buy coffee that’s already ground, there’s no way to guarantee that it’s completely bug-free.

There is a possibility that the coffee you buy is infested with cockroaches, though it isn’t a real risk. The FDA allows cockroaches and other bugs to be present in food in small amounts, but this is extremely unlikely to harm you. While cockroaches are harmless, it’s important to note that the food safety agency does not allow more than 10% of them in the beverage.

Another concern about cockroaches in coffee is the possibility of allergic reactions. They can irritate the respiratory system and can cause asthma attacks. People with respiratory conditions and allergies should stay away from coffee that is pre-ground. It’s also recommended to use filtered coffee.

Cockroaches in coffee are not uncommon, and are natural parts of the growing environment of coffee. They become part of the coffee-making process and can be difficult to remove. Cockroaches live alongside coffee beans and aren’t big enough to see. Cockroaches are most likely to be found in coffee that’s been pre-ground. Whole-bean coffee, however, may be less affected.