Can You Cook Cockroaches?

Many people do not realize that cockroaches are a great source of protein. Many cultures and parts of the world enjoy eating these little bugs. They are cheap and plentiful, and contain a high concentration of protein. Fortunately, they can be cooked, boiled, or deep-fried without much effort on your part. In fact, many people enjoy eating cockroaches as a snack.

Cockroaches can be cooked in many ways, but the most popular methods include frying, stewing, and roasting. They are edible if cooked properly – simply wash them well, separate their legs and wings, and fry until crispy. You can also purchase them in specialty food stores or online.

A Brazilian food blogger named Richard Levine recently posted a video of Linassi making a cockroach pancake. Linassi uses a thin Brazilian pancake and smothers it with condensed milk and coconut, which he says ’rounds out’ the cockroach flavor. Cockroaches have a nutty, slightly sweet taste that goes well with tapioca.

While cockroaches may not be as appetizing as other insects, they are often bred to be used for food and medicine. In China, people raise these creatures and feed them with fruits and vegetables. This is a profitable business that produces edible cockroaches that are safe to eat.