Do Cockroaches Like Lavender?

Lavender is an excellent natural insect repellent that can help you get rid of roaches in your home. It also helps people sleep better and fight stress. In addition, it contains linalool, which is a powerful cockroach repellent. You can also use peppermint oil, although it may make your eyes water. Tea tree oil is another effective natural insecticide. When combined with water, it can kill cockroaches and other bugs.

One way to use lavender to repel cockroaches is by making a lavender-based spray. This spray will cover a larger area than a lavender sachet or lavender plant. You can also use fresh lavender sprigs as a repellent. You can spray this solution anywhere in your home where cockroaches are attracted to.

Another effective repellent for cockroaches is lavender essential oil. You can place lavender sachets near roach nests or use an essential oil diffuser. You may find that it doesn’t work very well, though, because the smell does not reach the roaches directly. However, you can try using lavender-scented soap, which is especially effective against roaches. The lavender-scented soap will coat cockroaches in sticky soap and prevent them from drawing air. It can also help repel future cockroaches.

Another natural anti-roach remedy is to use bay leaves. This fragrant herb is known for its strong smell and is commonly used in cooking and as a pest repellent. A bay leaf placed strategically in the kitchen or in a room with a high prevalence of roaches can be effective in repelling roaches. One downside to using this remedy is that it tends to spoil and smell after a few weeks. Alternatively, you can also use garlic powder to repel cockroaches. However, garlic powder isn’t as practical as whole garlic cloves.