Cockroaches – Are Cockroaches Good Pets?

Cockroaches are often considered good pets for children. Insects are fascinating to children, and some people even keep them in jars. There are many types of cockroaches, so choosing the right one is important. However, cockroaches are not always good pets.

Cockroaches are omnivorous and do well on a mix of fresh and dried food. They are especially fond of rolled oats, bananas, and apples. Avoid giving cockroaches fresh food every day, as their stomachs will be constantly occupied. Besides, uneaten fruit can go mouldy.

Cockroaches do not require much space, but they do need a large tank for their housing. If you plan to keep more than one roach, consider a larger tank, since they prefer the company of other species. However, keep in mind that overcrowding can lead to cannibalism. Glass is an ideal choice for a roach tank because it is smooth and lacks pores, which will prevent cockroaches from scaling. In addition, choose a fine mesh covering for your tank, which will provide plenty of air and prevent escapes.

Cockroaches are great pets for children because they’re relatively easy to care for. They’re also excellent feeder insects for many exotic pets. Because they’re nocturnal, they require a place to hide during the day. As a result, you need to provide a warm environment for them to survive.