Can Cockroach Digest Plastic?

Despite the fact that plastic is non-biodegradable and not digestible, cockroaches have powerful jaws that can chew through plastic. Cockroaches can even feed on plastic bags, bread bags, and Tupperware containers. Although the material is difficult for cockroaches to digest, large amounts can kill them.

While cockroaches can chew through thin plastic, they will not chew through thick plastics. Using a Tupperware container is a good idea because it doesn’t allow a smell to escape when it is closed, so the plastic won’t suffocate the roach. The plastic is not biodegradable and can cause harm to the internal system of the roach. If the roach is exposed to plastic for a long time, he or she will develop a variety of health issues.

Although a cockroach can’t digest hard plastic, they can chew paper and cardboard. These materials contain starch, which cockroaches consider an excellent source of protein. Cockroaches in cities, for example, love to eat books, newspapers, and other paper. In fact, they will actively search for paper in recycling bins.

Plastic garbage bags are especially attractive to roaches because they have elasticity, making them easier to chew through. Cockroaches can also suffocate inside plastic bags because they cannot breathe. In fact, you can kill a cockroach by placing it in a freezer.