Can a Cockroach Bite Through Plastic?

One of the most common questions people ask about cockroaches is “Can a cockroach bite through plastic?” While cockroaches are able to eat through a variety of plastic materials, the more durable plastics like Tupperware are not likely to be penetrated. If you’re trying to keep your food in plastic containers, consider storing it in tight, thick containers. These types of containers are much safer for roaches, and are a great way to reuse plastic containers.

Cockroaches are omnivorous, meaning they will eat and drink anything that comes into their mouth. This includes plastic containers, paper and sealed lock bags. But because cockroaches are omnivorous, if you can keep food away from them, you’ll still need to protect your food.

Although cockroaches are unable to chew through thick plastic, they can squeeze through tiny gaps and openings. In fact, cockroaches can squeeze through the smallest gaps in plastic jars and bags, allowing them access to food. And since they’re attracted to the smell of food, a roach can even get inside an airtight container or bag.

Cockroaches are known for carrying disease-causing pathogens, which is why you should take steps to keep your home free of cockroaches. You can prevent these pests by eliminating moisture sources around your home, including leaking pipes.