Are Cockroaches Good For Arowana?

If you are looking for a good way to increase the humidity of your tank, then cockroaches may be the answer. You can increase the humidity by misting the tank with a water spray bottle, placing a water bowl inside, or using a humidifier. The humidity should be around 60% to avoid mould and bacteria.

Cockroaches contain the same nutrients as crickets, making them a good food for arowana. However, you have to remember that these insects can be contaminated by pesticides. If you’re worried about this, you can freeze the cockroaches before feeding them to your Arowana. Also, make sure you quarantine the cockroaches for at least one week.

Roaches don’t hunt in packs and will lay their eggs near their hiding places. They will also use filters to reproduce. They can also consume the waste and fiber that filter sponges collect. Moreover, they will not fall into the tank. So, you should avoid feeding roaches to your arowana if you want your pet to grow healthy.

Cockroaches also contain beneficial bacteria. They are known as the best predators of insects. They also feed on other insects and reptiles. These animals have sharp vision and quick reflexes.