The Australian bird-eating spider is one of the most intimidating predators out there, with its long legs and sucky fangs. It’s also a fierce predator when it comes to frogs…Continue readingWhy Does Australia Have So Many Spiders?
Spiders are not afraid of humans. But they can get a little nervous at times. If you are unsure about what the problem is, you should look into a licensed…Continue readingWhy Are Spiders Scared of Humans?
Spiders have several ways to sense the world. They can use structural cues like webs and legs to locate prey and navigate. They also rely on their other senses to…Continue readingCan Spiders See in the Dark?
If you have ever asked “Do spiders have feelings?” you have most likely been mistaken. While they do have sensory organs and nerve systems, they don’t have the complex thought…Continue readingDo Spiders Have Feelings?
Wolf spiders are ferocious predators, but they are not dangerous to humans. The venom that the spiders inject into their prey is harmless, though some people are allergic to it.…Continue readingCan Wolf Spiders Kill You?
Spiders don’t have teeth, but they do have something else that is very similar to teeth – fangs. They use these to kill and eat prey. Some spiders even inject…Continue readingDo Spiders Have Teeth?
Are spiders cold blooded? Arachnids are cold-blooded, and they do not need to keep warm throughout the day. Cold-blooded animals can live in temperatures as low as -4 degrees F.…Continue readingAre Spiders Cold Blooded?
Spiders do not have tongues in the conventional sense, but they do have mouths that function in ways similar to humans. They can drink water, as well as swallow liquid…Continue readingDo Spiders Have Tongues?
Hairspray is a great tool to kill spiders, but it isn’t always the best way to do it. A better alternative is to prevent them from entering your home in…Continue readingDoes Hairspray Kill Spiders?
New Zealand has three types of spiders. These are the katipo, white-tailed, and redback. Each of these are distinct species, and they are considered endangered. The katipo spider is one…Continue readingNew Zealand Spiders
Spiders are not designed to bite humans. But some types of spiders can do so. They can also be very dangerous, especially if they have venom. If you’ve been bitten,…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Bite Humans?
If you’ve ever been bitten by a spider, you probably wondered, are spiders attracted to light? Spiders are not as receptive to light as moths, but they are certainly attracted…Continue readingAre Spiders Attracted to Light?
If you’ve been looking at spiders, you may have wondered if they can feel pain. Some people think that they can’t. But, in fact, they can. They may feel anger,…Continue readingCan Spiders Feel Pain?
Spiders regrow their legs in two ways. They can either regrow a leg that has been lost or regenerate a completely new leg. Some spiders can even regenerate multiple legs…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Regrow Legs?
Spiders are deadly predators, especially to small insects. They have four pairs of eyes and are known to use special senses to detect prey. Spiders are also very sensitive to…Continue readingDo Spiders Have Spider Sense?
The answer to the question “how long do spiders live without food?” is a bit different than that of other animals. Unlike most other animals, spiders are cold blooded and…Continue readingHow Long Do Spiders Live Without Food?
Spiders are cold-blooded invertebrates. They are capable of surviving temperatures as low as 23 degrees Fahrenheit. Although many spider species have developed adaptations to survive freezing weather, there are some…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Survive the Winter?
Spiders can be very annoying in the home. They can also be a health hazard if they bite people. Some of them have venom that is toxic to humans. However,…Continue readingHow Many Spiders Are in an Egg?