Spiders are capable of producing silk, and scientists are studying how it is produced. It is a stretchy and tough fiber. The resulting web is used for defense and offense.…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Create Silk?
Several species of spiders lay eggs in silk egg sacs. These can range in size from a dime to a soccer ball. Some species of spiders put the eggs in…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Create Babies?
Spiders construct a large number of egg sacs, which contain the eggs of the next generation. This is one of the most important parts of the spider mating ritual. The…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Create Egg Sacs?
Spiders do not have a urinary bladder or a liver-bile system. Instead, spiders digest protein and lipids. Their dietary proteins are used for silk spinning, enzymatic digestion, and other biological…Continue readingDo Spiders Contain Protein?
Many people are concerned with the possibility of being bitten by a spider. However, the vast majority of these species are not venomous and do not pose a threat to…Continue readingDo All Spiders Contain Venom?
Spider silks are produced by a number of arthropod species, including herbivorous moth larvae and spiders. Silks are highly expressed proteins that include chains of amino acids. As a result,…Continue readingAre Spiders a Good Source of Protein?
If you live in a cold climate, you may wonder, do spiders come out in cold weather? Spiders have developed ways to survive in cold weather, and some species will…Continue readingDo Spiders Come Out in Cold Weather?
Did you know that spiders have a very good memory? Spiders are actually smart enough to remember certain facts about prey and their surroundings. This allows the spiders to adapt…Continue readingDo Spiders Come Back For Revenge?
The answer to the question, “Do spiders come from eggs?” depends on the species. For most spiders, eggs are deposited in a silken egg sac. These sacs help protect the…Continue readingDo Spiders Come From Eggs?
During winter, some of the most common household spiders become warmth-hunting spiders, looking for a warm spot to hide. They may find shelter in the home or even in a…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Come Out in the Cold?
If you have a lot of spiders in your house, you may be wondering whether they are actually coming inside when it’s cold. These creatures are cold-blooded animals, and therefore…Continue readingDo Spiders Come Inside When It’s Cold?
Spiders are able to survive cold temperatures. They produce a chemical in their blood to prevent their cells from freezing. This natural antifreeze is called polyhydroxy alcohol. If spiders did…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Come Inside in the Winter?
In some parts of the world, spiders do come out in the rain. They are usually harmless and not venomous, although there is a small number of species that do…Continue readingDo Spiders Come Out in the Rain?
Spiders are a common pest, but a number of factors can affect the cost of removing them. These include the size of the property and the number of spiders that…Continue readingHow Much Do Spiders Cost?
Jumping spiders are not very expensive to buy. However, they do require a little bit of care. They don’t need much space, but they do need water and food. The…Continue readingHow Much Do Jumping Spiders Cost?
There are many different species of pet spiders. You can find them in pet stores, or you can get them from a breeder. Some are easier to care for than…Continue readingHow Much Do Pet Spiders Cost?
The cost of owning a tarantula depends on a number of factors, including species, age, and habitat. However, most tarantulas do not cost very much. It is possible to get…Continue readingHow Much Do Tarantula Spiders Cost?
The Regal Jumping Spider is one of the largest jumping spiders in North America. Its unique coloration makes it easy to identify. This species is also a friendly animal that…Continue readingHow Much Do Regal Jumping Spiders Cost?
A velvet spider is a spider species that is characterized by a large, smooth oval abdomen and a number of black, velvet-like setae. The female Velvet Spider rarely leaves her…Continue readingHow Much Do Velvet Spiders Cost?