Many spiders use a leg or two for a number of purposes. They may be able to use a leg to escape a predator, to straighten out their legs or…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Legs Break?
In our area we have the common snapping turtle. This is the largest freshwater turtle in the Northeast. It can grow up to 60 pounds. They are known for their…Continue readingDo Spiders Attack Turtle Eggs?
When you hear a spider screaming, it doesn’t mean they are being aggressive. Spiders are sensitive to vibrations, and they use these vibrations to communicate with their mates. They use…Continue readingDo Spiders Scream When Burned?
You might have heard that spiders can make noises. They use vibrations to scare away predators, and make sounds to attract mates. Some of these sounds are loud enough for…Continue readingDo Spiders Scream When You Burn Them?
There are many ways to kill spiders, but do they explode? Spiders can be squirted, sprayed, smashed, and even burnt. Although these methods are dangerous, there are many more humane…Continue readingDo Spiders Explode When You Burn Them?
There is no shortage of horror stories related to fire-related spider kills. Unfortunately, many of these stories involve human error. The best way to avoid this type of mishap is…Continue readingHow to Get Rid of Spiders by Fire
Cobwebs are dusty spider webs that appear to be loose and dirty. They are also known as a spider web, a tangle-web, a sheet-web, or a funnel-shaped one. A cobweb…Continue readingDo Spiders Cause Cobwebs?
Spiders are eight-legged arthropods that belong to the class of arachnids. They are often blamed for causing infections, but most spider bites are actually caused by other arthropods. Despite this,…Continue readingDo Spiders Cause Disease?
If you’ve ever been bitten by a spider, you know how painful and frightening it can be. Fortunately, most bites cause only minor symptoms. But a few venomous species have…Continue readingHow Many Deaths Do Spiders Cause a Year?
If you are worried about having spiders around you, there are a number of options to help you deal with the fear. Psychotherapy, exposure therapy, and medication are common treatment…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Cause Fear?
Spiders are a pest and can be a nuisance, especially in the fall when they lay eggs in your home. If you’re experiencing a spider infestation, call a professional for…Continue readingWhat Problems Do Spiders Cause?
If you’ve ever been bitten by a white tail spider, you may have wondered if it can really cause necrosis. Several studies have reported that the bite is not responsible…Continue readingDo White Tail Spiders Cause Necrosis?
It’s no secret that LED lights are very bright. However, some people have questions about whether or not LED lights attract spiders. While spiders are certainly attracted to LED lights,…Continue readingDo LED Lights Cause Spiders?
Spiders are fascinating creatures. They use unique anatomy to power jumps, which are essential to their survival. Some spider species live in aquatic environments, while others are more comfortable in…Continue readingWhat Happens to Spiders When They Die?
A cobweb is a structure formed by spiders. It is made up of strands of sticky silk, which are designed to trap insects. The silk used to make a web…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Create Cobwebs?
In many ways spiders are good mothers. They are capable of producing large quantities of eggs, they often feed on roaches, flies, and mosquitoes, and they are even a natural…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Create Nests?
Spiders are not the only creatures to create dust. There are many insects that use silk to build webs. These strands are very strong and durable. They are also good…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Create Dust?
Spiders make intricate webs to catch prey. The design of their webs helps them to trap insects and prevent flies from escaping. They also use webs to keep their dwellings…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Create a Web?