How Many Deaths Do Spiders Cause a Year?

If you’ve ever been bitten by a spider, you know how painful and frightening it can be. Fortunately, most bites cause only minor symptoms. But a few venomous species have the potential to kill.

Spiders are venomous, meaning they can inject venom into your skin and make you sick. There are about 43,000 different species of spiders in the world. Only about one percent of the total species have venom that is toxic enough to harm humans.

Depending on the species, the venom can cause allergic reactions, swelling of the skin, or even death. The alpha latrotoxin protein in a spider’s bite can disrupt the nervous system and muscle contractions, resulting in a painful condition.

In a study of the United States, researchers found that there were eleven deaths due to spider bites. These were mostly children. Those most susceptible to spider venom are children under five years old.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a bite by a venomous spider can be fatal. However, the majority of deaths occur in places with little or no antivenom. Several hospitals and health clinics have antivenin available for species-specific treatments.

Most spiders bite in defense, but only a few produce enough venom to seriously hurt a human. They can cause a variety of symptoms, including high blood pressure, headaches, and body aches.

One of the most dangerous spiders is the black widow. It is known to be venomous, but it isn’t very common in the U.S. This spider lives in basements, piles of wood, and abandoned shoes.

Our top picks for getting rid of spiders

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your spider infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!