When spiders have babies, they are vulnerable for a while until their exoskeletons form. Their survival is often dependent on their mother’s guidance. A spiderling’s first molt takes place after…Continue readingWhen Spiders Have Babies
Spiders are beneficial insects that help to keep pests away. They live outside, in burrows, under woodpiles and in homes. However, some species can be quite creepy. If you notice…Continue readingWhere Can I Find Spiders?
Spiders are a common household pest. In fact, spiders are the most common household pest in the United States. They feed on insects and other pests. Spiders can live inside…Continue readingReasons Why Spiders Are in Your House
The majority of spiders are nocturnal. They have a slow-wave sleep phase that is less active than the REM sleep phase. These sleep phases allow them to conserve energy. Spiders…Continue readingAre Spiders More Active at Night?
When you see flying spiders, you might wonder, “are spiders with wings real?” These flying spiders are arachnids that can glide through the air. They are not mutants, and they…Continue readingAre Spiders With Wings Real?
You can eat spiders raw, but only as long as you do not get stung. If you do, your body will absorb the poison into your system and it will…Continue readingCan You Eat Spiders Raw?
Spiders give birth to spiderlings, or baby spiders. Baby spiders are colorless, with no bristles, hair, or eyes. They lack poisonous glands and are helpless. The baby spiders are called…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Give Birth to Spiderlings?
Spider mites are small, black or brown insects that feed on plants. They live in colonies under the leaves. When the population of spider mites becomes large, they can cause…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Damage Plants?
There’s a new urban legend floating around about spiders living in bananas. In fact, it’s been said that these spiders can travel from South America to North America. While it’s…Continue readingDo Spiders Live in Bananas?
There are over 40,000 species of spider. Many live solitary lives, but others live in colonies. A recent study showed that some spider species are actually social. In previous studies,…Continue readingDo Spiders Get Lonely?
When you hear about small spiders, you probably wonder what they eat. The answer can depend on the species. Spiders are opportunistic feeders that eat everything from mosquitoes to dead…Continue readingWhat Small Spiders Eat
How often spiders eat depends on many factors. The number of prey they consume, the size of the individual, and their gender all play a role in how often they…Continue readingHow Often Spiders Eat
The most dangerous spider in Australia is the Sydney Funnel Web Spider. Its venom is very potent and can kill both adult and infant humans. Sydney funnel web spiders live…Continue readingWhat Spiders Can Kill You in Australia
Spiders are venomous, but few of them have the power to pierce the human skin. Most only bite if they are threatened. If bitten, you might experience a redness, swelling…Continue readingWhat Spiders Can Bite in the UK
Spiders are a group of eight-legged insects that live in areas like deserts, shrublands, forests, grasslands, and croplands. They are carnivores that feed on bugs and other insects. A number…Continue readingWhat to Spiders Eat
If you’re interested in keeping a pet spider, there are some things you should know. First, it’s important to understand how they need to be cared for. This will help…Continue readingWhere Can I Buy Live Spiders?
If you’re a fan of bugs scurrying around your home like the plague, you’ll be pleased to know there are a few that don’t gobble your food and gobble up…Continue readingWhich Spiders Make Webs?
In the UK, there are around 650 different species of spiders. But only a few of these can bite humans. They usually bite only to protect themselves. The most common…Continue readingCan Spiders Bite in the UK?