What happens to fleas during the winter? The cold weather slows down the fleas’ reproductive rate. They will stop biting and laying eggs, but they will still come back in…Continue readingHow Do Fleas Die in the Winter?
Vinegar is a common household ingredient and can be found in just about any kitchen or pantry. It has been used for thousands of years and has a number of…Continue readingDoes Vinegar Kill Fleas?
One of the biggest myths about fleas is that they die in the winter. This is a common misconception among pet owners, but this is not the case. The fact…Continue readingDo Fleas Die in Winter?
A common question is “do flea collars work?” The answer to that question varies depending on the specific brand and type of collar you use. One type of collar uses…Continue readingDo Flea Collars Work?
Fleas are microscopic parasites that live in the home. They feed on animals and humans and are not difficult to spot. They are oval in shape and range in color…Continue readingCan You See Fleas on Your Dog?
Sand fleas are fascinating little creatures. They are common along beaches and are often found on people’s legs. They feed on blood proteins. Their saliva contains an anticoagulant, which means…Continue readingCan You Eat Sand Fleas?
Fleas are small insects that live in humans. They are wingless and dark colored. They have a tube-like mouth, which is used for sucking blood. Their legs are long, with…Continue readingWhat Do Fleas Look Like?
Flea bites on humans can be irritating, causing an itchy, red mark that lasts up to 48 hours. While the bites are not serious, you should be careful not to…Continue readingCan Humans Get Fleas From Dogs?
Baking soda can be applied to a pet’s fur to kill fleas. Sprinkle the baking soda on the affected areas and let it sit for 12 hours. Then, vacuum the…Continue readingDoes Baking Soda Kill Fleas?
Fleas are the same insects that bite dogs and cats, but you’d be surprised to learn that humans can be infested with them as well. They live in secluded areas,…Continue readingDo Fleas Live on Humans?
If you’re wondering, “Do fleas live on humans?”, then you’re not alone. In fact, fleas aren’t common on humans. Fleas need a host that has hair and feathers to breed.…Continue readingDo Fleas Live on Humans?
One of the most common DIY flea killing methods is applying salt to the area in which the fleas are hiding. While salt doesn’t necessarily kill fleas, it can kill…Continue readingDoes Salt Kill Fleas?
Lysol is a disinfectant that can kill fleas and flea eggs. Spray it liberally on surfaces and furniture, and make sure to do it on a regular basis. Fleas can…Continue readingDoes Lysol Kill Fleas?
Diatomaceous earth is one of the most popular flea remedies available today. It’s safe, pesticide-free, and easy to apply. It is a powdery substance made from fossilized diatoms that contain…Continue readingDoes Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas?
Fleas have an incredibly fast jumping ability, and they can jump 50 to 100 times their height. Their incredibly small size allows them to easily slip through your fur and…Continue readingHow Far Can Fleas Jump?
If you are worried about fleas on your indoor cats, you should consult a vet. There are some easy ways to get rid of fleas, including regularly vacuuming and washing…Continue readingCan Indoor Cats Get Fleas?
If you’re worried about your dog’s health, you may be wondering if you can see fleas on dogs. Although fleas don’t have visible wings, they can be easily identified on…Continue readingCan You See Fleas on Dogs?
The first question to ask is “Can fleas live in carpet?” The answer to this question is a resounding “yes.” Fleas lay their eggs in the fibers of carpets. They…Continue readingCan Fleas Live in Carpet?