Getting rid of ants isn’t difficult when you use natural methods. Ants do not pose a serious health threat. However, they can be a nuisance. They can eat anything that…Continue readingHow to Get Rid of Ants Naturally
Despite their presence in homes, ants are a common household pest. There are a variety of reasons ants keep coming back. Most often, they are attracted to food sources. If…Continue readingWhy Do Ants Keep Coming Back?
Having a swarm of flying ants is no fun. The flying insects are known to cause damage to wooden structures, including your home. These insects can also be quite frightening.…Continue readingHow to Get Rid of Flying Ants
Unlike humans, ants do not have graveyards. They carry the dead to a midden, a structure where they dump their waste. The ants carry the dead to the midden because…Continue readingHow Do Ants Make Graveyards?
Whether they’re building nests in trees or not, ants can cause serious damage to trees. It’s a good idea to check your tree for these pests regularly. You may also…Continue readingHow Do Ants Make Nests in Trees?
Unlike humans, ants do not need a bedroom to sleep. They are mainly found below the ground and sleep in small groups or clusters. They are also active at all…Continue readingDo Ants Need Sleep?
Until recently, scientists thought that when ants die, they release a chemical to signal to other ants that they are dead. However, entomologists at the University of California Riverside found…Continue readingDo Ants Release a Chemical When They Die?
Unlike mammals, ants don’t have a tidal respiratory system. They are instead able to breathe through tiny holes called spiracles on their bodies. These spiracles are connected by tubes called…Continue readingHow Much Oxygen Do Ants Need?
Whether ants bite you or not is not always easy to determine. There are more than 1,000 species of ants in the world, and they are found on almost every…Continue readingDo Ants Really Bite You?
Using raised beds in your garden can help you target pest control in a targeted manner. You can use diatomaceous earth to deter ants from entering your garden. This is…Continue readingHow Do Raised Beds Attract Ants?
Among the most important reasons ants like aphids is because of the sweet honeydew that aphids produce. Ants, in return, provide protection to the aphids. Ants also protect aphid colonies…Continue readingWhy Do Ants Like Aphids?
Whether you are planting a garden, growing a crop, or just have a lawn, ants can be a pest. They can damage plants and kill many different species of insects.…Continue readingWhat Do Ants Do to Aphids?
During the mating season, sugar ants may make their nests in baseboards or on your sidewalk. This may be a good time to do a thorough cleaning. The main problem…Continue readingHow to Deal With Sugar Ants
Using insecticides can help you get rid of ants. However, the chemicals can also hurt your plants. They can also cause an allergic reaction. If you are allergic to insecticides,…Continue readingHow to Get Rid of Ants in Pots
Having ants in your garden can be a nuisance. However, ants can also have beneficial effects on your plants. They are important for the health of the soil, and for…Continue readingHow Do Ants Ruin Crops?