
How to Get Rid of Ants Naturally

Getting rid of ants isn’t difficult when you use natural methods. Ants do not pose a serious health threat. However, they can be a nuisance. They can eat anything that is left out, which can lead to an infestation.

Keeping your home clean and free of crumbs, food, and grease spills will help keep ants away. Clean around the kitchen, around windows, and baseboards. Seal up any cracks around your foundation. Use a caulk around the cracks. Putting a sachet of herbs near your foundation can also deter ants.

Garlic is a good ant repellent. You can buy neem oil online or in your local supermarket. Neem oil is a naturally occurring insecticide.

Peppermint essential oil can be sprayed around windows and baseboards. You can also add pepper to water and spray it on ants. Keep the oil away from pets, as cats can become very sick when exposed to it.

Orange peels are also an effective ant repellent. You can make orange peel puree and pour it over anthills. You can also use it to repel mosquitoes.

Cinnamon leaf essential oil is effective against ants. It contains trans-cinnamaldehyde, which is a chemical that ants find repellent. You can purchase cinnamon leaf essential oil online.

You can also use talcum powder or powdered sulfur to repel ants. These ingredients are organic. Diatomaceous earth is another effective organic ant repellent. You can sprinkle it around your home.

Bait traps are another option. Some bait traps contain boric acid and hydramethylnon. However, hydramethylnon is toxic to children. Other bait traps contain borax.