Termites and flying ants are both insects with four wings, but there are many differences between them. These differences can make it difficult to distinguish one from the other. Termites…Continue readingTermites Vs Flying Ants
Those that are unfamiliar with ants may be surprised to learn that there are actually several ant species with wings. The number of ants that have wings depends on the…Continue readingHow Do Male Ants Lose Their Wings?
During the summer, it is common to see flying ants around. They are usually spotted near doors or windows. However, these insects are not necessarily dangerous. Unlike termites, they are…Continue readingHow Do Flying Ants Lose Their Wings?
Until now, it has been unclear what ants use their lower jaws for. It has been known that they can be used to jump, but the answer to the question,…Continue readingHow Do Ants Use Their Lower Jaws?
Originally from South America, trap jaw ants have recently spread across the Gulf Coast. They are generally found in areas with dead wood and leaf litter. They also inhabit urban…Continue readingWhere Do Trap Jaw Ants Live?
Known for their large and impressive mandibles, trap jaw ants are among the most lethal and fierce insects on the planet. They are members of the insect family, Odontomachus. They…Continue readingWhat Do Trap Jaw Ants Eat?
Using ants to make peonies bloom is not necessary. However, it can be beneficial. The ants help to protect the peony by feeding on the sugary nectar secreted by the…Continue readingAnts to Make Peonies Bloom
Termites and ants are both pest species that are annoying to homeowners. Both of them can be found living in the walls and trees of homes. However, they cause different…Continue readingHow Do Ants Make Mud Tunnels?
Usually, ant bites do not cause a serious allergic reaction. However, some species of ants are more toxic than others. For these species, the itching sensation of an ant bite…Continue readingDo Ants Make You Itchy?
ants make holes in the ground for a variety of reasons. They increase air flow and organic matter in the soil, which is beneficial to the environment. They also increase…Continue readingWhy Do Ants Make Holes in the Ground?
Keeping ants as pets may sound like an impossible task, but the truth is that ants are very easy to care for. They are not only fascinating to watch, but…Continue readingHow to Keep Ants As Pets
Whether they’re in the kitchen or deep beneath the earth, ants are a part of our food chain. They feed on a variety of things and are also important in…Continue readingHow Do Ants Make Their Own Food?
Despite their name, ants are not a serious threat to humans. However, a sting from an ant can result in an allergic reaction. Itching, swelling, and rash are some of…Continue readingDo Ants Make You Itch?
During the winter months, ants are fun to watch. Not only are they fascinating insects, but they have some very interesting neural networks. This helps them navigate through the natural…Continue readingDo Ants Make a Smell When You Kill Them?
Despite the fact that ants are a common nuisance, they are not necessarily harmful. In fact, ants can be beneficial to the human body, as they are a source of…Continue readingDo Ants Make You Sick?
Getting stung by ants is not pleasant. Not only is it painful, but it can cause an allergic reaction, which can be life threatening. The ant venom that stings can…Continue readingDo Ants Make You Sneeze?
Depending on the species, ants can survive up to two weeks without water. However, ants that live on the ground will be more susceptible to a dehydration problem than ants…Continue readingHow Much Water Do Ants Need to Live?
Unlike humans, ants do not have a lungs. But this does not mean that they cannot survive without oxygen. There are some ants that can survive for several days without…Continue readingHow Do Ants Need Air to Survive?
Unlike most land-dwelling vertebrates, ants do not have lungs. They do, however, have an alternative system for breathing. In the absence of the lungs, ants use spiracles to get air…Continue readingHow Do Ants Breathe?
During hot weather, ants are attracted to places with water. They need water to cool their bodies and to maintain their hydration. If they don’t have water, ants will die…Continue readingHow Much Water Do Ants Need to Drink?