Where to Check For Bed Bugs in a Hotel Room

If you find any evidence of bed bugs in your hotel room, you should contact the hotel staff. They can do an investigation to find out what’s causing the problem. You can also ask to stay in a different room if you see any signs of the bugs. If you find a live bed bug, you should try to capture it in an empty water bottle or glass. This will help if you ever have to file a claim.

The first place to look for bed bugs is the mattress. Bed bugs usually leave behind their exoskeletons, which are brownish or black. You can also check for bedbugs’ traces on other fabric, such as headboards, chairs, and bedside tables. If you find any signs of the bugs in the mattress, you should immediately notify the hotel reception and request a different room. If the hotel cannot provide you with a different room, you may want to find a new one.

The next place to look for bed bugs is the luggage rack. These areas may harbor bugs from other travelers. You should also check the mattress edging and box spring to make sure that you do not have any infestation. If you see any cracks in the wall between the headboard and wall, you should place a flashlight in this area to look for any signs of bed bugs.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!