Where Bed Bugs Come From and How to Prevent Them

While many people are unsure of where bed bugs come from and how to prevent them, the good news is that these creatures are much older than you may think. A recent DNA analysis revealed that these creatures have been around for around 115 million years. You can protect yourself from them by following a few basic steps.

The first step is to check your furniture. Make sure that you examine all seams and folds. This is important because bedbugs can hide in even the smallest of spaces. Look especially for cracks in woodwork and furniture. You may also find them in upholstered furniture, especially if you take the cushion covers off. Typically, bedbugs hide in crevices and cracks in mattresses and other upholstered furniture.

Bedbugs are also very good at traveling and hiding. These bugs latch onto items and move to a new location until they find food. They are able to hide in many places, including in upholstered furniture, wood furniture, and electrical switches. They can also be found in picture frames and wallpaper.

While bedbugs can eat a wide range of warm-blooded creatures, they prefer human hosts. Their bites are almost painless during the time of an attack, but they can cause itchy red welts that turn into large welts. While most people do not notice their bites, those with the most severe allergic reactions may find themselves in need of a professional. Topical steroid creams can help alleviate the itching associated with bedbug bites.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!