What Temperatures Can Bed Bugs Live in?

Bedbugs are not inherently cold-resistant. In fact, they can survive temperatures as low as 32degF or as high as 49degC. They also have the ability to go dormant, which means that they can feed all year round. Their preferred habitat is a warm room, such as a bedroom, because they are so close to food.

Cold temperatures do not kill bedbugs, but they do slow down their metabolism. This allows the insects to survive long winter days without feeding, even if their host’s temperature dips below zero. It may be possible to extend their life in such situations by changing sleeping arrangements. Bedbugs that don’t feed as often in cold temperatures can live for several months before they need to feed again.

The temperatures that kill bedbugs are extremely difficult to reach. However, these temperatures are also too high for the average household. It takes 94.8 minutes for an adult bedbug to die at 113degF, which is 45degC. To effectively kill these bugs, heat treatment must reach these temperatures.

In some regions, freezing temperatures may kill bedbugs. These temperatures, however, will increase the amount of time that they can survive. This means that it’s important to avoid freezing temperatures. The cold temperatures of the winter months will cause the insects to enter a period of diapause.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!