How Easy Does Bed Bugs Spread?

Knowing how easy bed bugs spread is important when dealing with an infestation. They can travel from one area of the home to another, but they can be difficult to spot. The bite marks they leave on a human body are similar to allergic hives or mosquito bites, so it’s important to look closely at any bites to spot bed bugs. Bed bugs are tiny, about the size of an apple seed, and have six legs. They feed at night and stay hidden during the day.

Once the infestation is established, bedbugs spread through a host’s belongings and clothing. An infestation of bed bugs usually occurs in at least three rooms in a home. The bugs can reach up to eight thousand reproductive adults and hundreds of thousands of nymphs. It doesn’t take long before the infestation becomes widespread. By the third month, there are usually hundreds of thousands of bedbug nymphs and eggs, and every room of the house is likely infested.

Bedbugs can spread quickly, especially if you travel often or invite others into your home. Their sticky goo means they can move easily from room to room and even from one apartment to another. They will also travel on clothing, furniture, and boxes. This means that you should be especially vigilant when moving infested items around.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!