How Do Bed Bugs Affect Animals?
Bedbugs will not harm your pet unless you give them food. They prefer to feed at night but will also attack during the day if they can’t find a suitable meal during the night. Think about it – if you were hungry, you wouldn’t go to sleep. Instead, you’d go out and find something to eat. In the same way, bedbugs will search for heat and CO2 during the day to find a suitable meal. That’s why it’s important to keep your pets clean and free from bedbug infestation.
Bedbug bites can cause itchiness and inflammation. Some people also experience allergic reactions to the bites. You should rule out other possible causes first before you start blaming bedbugs. Before you blame bedbugs for your pet’s ill health, take your pet to a veterinarian and have him or her check the area for bite marks or welts.
After bedbugs have been detected, you can begin treating the area. Make sure to wash all bedding, bowls, and toys thoroughly. Also, change the litter in your pet’s litter box. If you are worried that bedbugs are in your pet’s bedding, you should have the bedding professionally disinfected. Afterwards, you should air out your apartment.
Bedbugs usually bite people, but can also bite dogs and cats. The bites are usually red and itchy. However, unlike fleas, bedbugs are not infectious and do not transmit any diseases to the host.