How Cold to Freeze Bed Bugs

Freezing bed bugs is one of the most effective methods of killing them, but it is not always as effective as many people think. While these bugs can survive sub-zero temperatures, they do not die when exposed to these temperatures for a long period of time. This is because they do not have the ability to move around or to seek out a less cold/hot environment. Unlike adult bugs, eggs cannot produce body heat and their bodies are not able to maintain their temperature as efficiently as adults. Furthermore, freezing bedbugs will not kill adult bugs as freezing temperatures do not reach the necessary temperature to kill them.

When freezing bed bugs, you should ensure that you put them in a freezer that can maintain the desired temperature for a long time. Most freezers are preset at 0degF, but you should try to go as low as -10degF to kill the bugs more effectively. Ideally, you should place the infected items inside a plastic bag and leave them in the freezer for 4-5 days. Make sure that the center of the freezer reaches 0degF.

Another way to kill bed bugs is using CO2 or dry ice. Carbon dioxide, or CO2, has been proven to kill bed bugs at concentrations of 30% or higher for about 8 hours. Before applying the CO2, you should make sure that you seal the box tightly. This way, you can avoid the bugs from emerging and leaving the area contaminated.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!