How Cold Outside to Kill Bed Bugs

Whether you have a serious infestation or you just want to get rid of bed bugs from your home, knowing how cold outside to kill bed bugs can be a crucial decision. Fortunately, there are ways to kill bed bugs without harming your possessions. One way is to freeze them out of sight – freezing items outside will not only prevent bugs from entering your home, but it will also kill them.

As a general rule, the temperature outside should not be below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below this range will cause bed bugs to become inactive and stop scuttling around, mating, or laying eggs. Instead, they will seek shelter in an enclosed space until the temperature warms up. In fact, temperatures below eight degrees Fahrenheit can be fatal to bed bugs.

One way to kill bed bugs is to take them outside and expose them to cold temperatures. Even a few degrees of difference can help eliminate a large portion of your infestation. If you live in a cold climate, a few days in the freezer will kill the bed bugs and prevent them from repopulating. However, if you do not have a heating system, the temperatures outside will never be cold enough to kill bed bugs.

Even though it is cold outside, bed bugs can survive. Cold temperatures below 46 degrees Fahrenheit will slow them down and cause them to seek shelter, preventing them from hatching and developing. In addition to this, extreme heat is also deadly. Temperatures between 130 and 145 degrees Fahrenheit will kill bed bugs within three or four days.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!