How Are Bed Bugs Caused?

If you suspect that you have bedbugs, you need to make sure that you’re taking proper measures to eradicate them. The first step is to remove all of your bedding and examine it for signs of bugs. You can also check the dust cover and box spring. In case you’re in doubt, you can even peel the fabric surrounding the wood frame and look at the seams. You can also check other areas in and around the bedroom, such as on books and furniture. You can also check the edge of carpet and electrical outlets, as these can also harbor bedbugs. If you’re not able to do this yourself, call an exterminator, who will know how to look for bedbugs.

The most obvious sign of bedbugs is bites, which are red, itchy and grouped together. You may also notice small patches of blood on your sheets. The bites are not contagious, but they can be very uncomfortable. You should also keep an eye out for red, itchy spots on your sheets or other fabric. Using an antihistamine, you can reduce the swelling and itching. If the bites are severe, you should take antibiotics.

After finding a bedbug, you can try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. You can also use a vacuum to remove the bugs. A vacuum will also help keep the bugs from returning to your bed. Another good method to kill bedbugs is washing your bedding and clothes in hot water. Make sure to dry them on a hot setting as well. You can also purchase mattress covers to avoid bedbugs in the first place.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!