Will Bed Bugs Bite Cats?

Bedbugs are tiny parasites that can attack both cats and humans. They prefer to feed during the night. However, if there is no food available during the night, they will feed during the day. Unlike humans, bedbugs will not go to sleep. They will look for heat and CO2, and both pets and humans have both.

Cats are particularly susceptible to bedbug bites. The bites may be itchy, and they can lead to little scratch wounds. If left untreated, these wounds could develop into infections. Bacteria can also be attracted to these bites, causing serious discomfort and itching.

If you have a cat that sleeps near a bed, you should consider keeping it away from the bed. If your cat sleeps in a different room, you may have bedbugs on your cat. However, if your cat sleeps on the sofa, it is possible that your cat has picked up the bugs from there.

Bedbugs usually prefer humans over other animals. This is because humans have a carbon dioxide signature that makes them more attractive to them. However, bedbugs will bite cats as well if they have no human host. Infested areas will have a musty smell and rusty spots on the bedding.

The best way to prevent bedbugs from infesting your cat is to eliminate any existing infestation in your home. You must also thoroughly check your cat’s bedding to ensure that it is free of bedbugs. If you find any, clean it thoroughly and purchase a new bed.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!