Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs Instantly?
If you’re concerned that you have a bed bug infestation, you may be wondering does alcohol kill bed bugs instantly. Although it’s safe to use in a limited amount, rubbing alcohol doesn’t kill live bed bugs or their eggs. And it’s unlikely that it will kill any of the bugs’ eggs that lay on mattresses, either.
Alcohol is safe to use on your skin, but it can be drying and irritant. Also, alcohol is flammable, meaning that the liquid and vapor can easily catch fire. This makes it unsafe to use in a room with an open flame. So, it’s best to avoid it.
Alcohol does kill bed bugs on contact, but it doesn’t kill them. It may just repel them. The chemical works by destroying the exoskeleton of the pests. This is why it can be effective in killing individual bed bugs. Alcohol also works to kill other types of parasites.
In addition to rubbing alcohol, witch hazel is another popular home remedy for killing bed bugs. A combination of witch hazel and cinnamon oil spray is effective in repelling bed bugs. Although most store-bought witch hazel is highly diluted, you can purchase a stronger version at medical outlets or online. However, alcohol can damage the finish of your furniture if used on it. If you use it on your mattress, it may discolor the fabric or make it less waterproof.
In addition to killing bed bugs, alcohol can also discourage them from laying eggs and spreading throughout your home. While alcohol does kill bed bugs, you should make sure that you spray it on the bed bug specifically so that the alcohol has a direct effect. You should not spray alcohol all over the house or furniture.