Do Bed Bugs Just Go Away on Their Own?
When you first notice that there are bed bugs in your home, you might think that they will just go away on their own. However, bedbugs have long lifespans, and if they don’t feed, they can live for over a year. In addition, females can lay up to five eggs per day, which can make the problem unbearable and expensive.
Adult bedbugs are oval-shaped, wingless, and about one fifth of an inch long. Their flattened bodies are accompanied by well-developed antennae and small, compound eyes. The area behind their heads, called the pronotum, is covered in many fine hairs. Unlike adult bedbugs, immatures are smaller (about one-tenth of an inch) and have a lighter yellowish-white color.
Although bedbugs are inactive during the day, they feed during the night while you sleep. It is important to remember that they feed during the night and will only come out for a blood meal every five to ten days. You can try to eliminate them before they can infest your home by making your bed island and avoiding your bed during the day.
In addition to homes, bedbugs can live in apartments, hotels, buses, cabins, and health clubs. They are often present in used furniture stores, and are particularly prevalent in areas where people frequently change. Even the finest hotels can be infested with bed bugs.