Do Bed Bugs Cause Hair Loss?

If you find out that you have a bed bug infestation, you may be wondering, “Do bed bugs cause hair loss?” The answer depends on the level of infestation. Bed bugs are not only uncomfortable, but they can also be very dangerous to your health. A bed bug infestation will rob your hair of its basic nutrients and will prevent consistent growth. The reason for this is that bedbugs feed on blood, which is supposed to circulate in the scalp.

The bites of bed bugs will cause you to develop an itchy rash. They can also lead to secondary infections like cellulitis. Even if you don’t have an allergic reaction, the bites of bed bugs can cause hair loss. Some people also notice dandruff-like particles on their head. This can be difficult to distinguish from other skin problems.

Although bedbugs don’t live in your hair, they can bite your scalp, neck, or face. Because bedbugs prefer a cool environment, they will not stay long on your head after feeding. However, it’s possible for them to migrate to your scalp while you sleep. While they can’t live in your hair, they can live on your scalp for a couple of days after feeding.

The nymphs of bedbugs shed their skin five times before maturing. After shedding the skin, the bugs will need to feed on your blood to continue growing. They can make three or four generations a year. Bedbugs have a smaller bite than lice, but they can still attach to your scalp.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!