Do Bed Bugs Bite Below the Waist?

The first step in diagnosing bed bugs is to learn about their behavior. These creatures will probe your skin in several places to find your blood. The good news is that bed bugs cannot penetrate clothing or sheets. But that doesn’t mean that you should ignore a strange marking on your skin. You should still consult a medical professional if you suspect that you have been bitten.

Although bed bugs don’t transmit disease, their bites may cause itchiness and sometimes blisters. These are typically a sign of an allergic reaction, and you should see a doctor for treatment. In some cases, people may also break out in hives after being bitten by a bedbug. This is a reaction to the anesthetic and saliva that the bugs release from their bites.

It’s a good idea to check your bedding as well. Bed bugs like to hide in the corners of a mattress and a cord near it. Also, inspect any loose pieces of wallpaper near your bed. If you find any black spots in your bedding, they could be bed bugs. You can also check for them by examining the lint filter on your dryer.

Fortunately, bed bugs usually don’t bite you below the waist. They don’t carry a disease but may cause anxiety and sleeplessness. If you suspect bed bugs, dermatologists recommend checking around your sleeping area for any signs of bed bug activity.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!