Can You Use a Hair Dryer to Kill Bed Bugs?

A hair dryer can be a great tool for eliminating bedbugs. However, it is important to remember that hair dryers are not powerful enough to completely kill bedbugs. In order to be effective, you must get close enough to the bugs to kill them. Unfortunately, some bedbugs can be very hard to find and reach. If you’re unable to find the bugs, there are other methods that you can try. In addition to using a hair dryer, you can also place the eggs in a plastic bag and freeze them for a few days. This method will kill the bugs in the eggs, and will help keep them from laying their eggs.

Before using a hair dryer to kill bed bugs, make sure you turn it on low and keep a flashlight nearby. Bed bugs need 90 minutes of heat before they die, but a hair dryer’s maximum temperature is only 60 degrees Celsius. For this reason, using a hair dryer to kill bedbugs is generally a waste of time and potentially dangerous. If you’re using a hair dryer to kill bedbug eggs, you should also set it to a low temperature and avoid using it around plastic and other materials.

Another popular method of killing bed bugs is by using a hair dryer. It is especially effective in hard-to-see places. This method is also safe, as it forces bedbugs out of hiding places. However, you should always be very careful when using a hair dryer to kill bed bugs because it can damage the plumbing and septic system.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!