Can Bed Bugs Be Red?

If you have bedbugs, you may wonder if the specks of red blood on your bedbugs’ skins are caused by the bugs themselves. Those specks will occur near seams and upholstered furniture. You may also see shell-like remains on the bedding or furniture.

While bedbugs are highly resistant to removal methods, they are still considered a nuisance and not a health risk. In fact, no studies have linked bedbugs to human disease. The biggest health risk is secondary bacterial infection, which can occur when bedbugs scratch the skin of their human host.

Bedbugs feed by injecting small amounts of saliva into the host’s skin. This saliva may cause an allergic reaction if it is repeatedly ingested. You should also be aware that bedbugs tend to feed in rows. This means that they might be biting multiple times during a day. When feeding, they interrupt themselves by moving half an inch, then returning to the host’s skin.

Bedbugs are very difficult to get rid of without professional help. These tiny, brownish insects have flat bodies and feed on the blood of humans and animals. Usually, they feed in the dark, near sleeping humans. When disturbed, they can spread to other rooms. The best way to eliminate bedbugs is to hire a professional pest control company to rid your house of them.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!