Bed Bugs – Can Bed Bugs Succeedingly Appear in Your Home?

If you’ve recently noticed dark patches on your sheets and clothing, bed bugs are probably the culprit. The bugs leave behind egg casings that contain glue-like material. The eggs can be found in crevices or anywhere else where they can hide. You can also look for the abandoned shell casings (also known as husks or shed skins), which are reliable early indicators of bed bug infestations.

The bites of bed bugs are red and itchy, and they are usually small. They can also leave behind small blood stains on your bedsheets. When you notice these bedbugs, you can use a bright flashlight to check for them. Unlike other indoor pests, bed bugs are easy to identify by their size, brown color, and flat oval bodies. Their antennae have four segments.

Bed bugs can also suddenly appear in a home, which can be a major problem. They typically appear only in one room, but can infest your entire home. Once you’ve seen the insects in one room, it will take time for them to spread throughout the entire house. A large infestation can spread in as little as two weeks.

Bedbugs are more active at night, and prefer to hide close to where people sleep. They don’t make nests, but their flat bodies make them easy to fit in tiny crevices. You might notice dried blood stains or dark stains, which are bedbug excrement. One fertile female can start an entire new infestation if she finds a new hiding place.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!