
Why Does Cornmeal Kill Ants?

Using cornmeal as a pesticide is a very effective and inexpensive way to kill ants. It works because the ants are attracted to the taste of cornmeal. They will take the cornmeal back to their nest. This disrupts the scent trail and makes it harder for the ants to find their way back to the nest.

Borax is also a strong ant killer. It is a chemical compound found in household items such as soap and toothpaste. When ingested, borax is extremely lethal.

Cornmeal is also a popular ant bait. It is an excellent source of phosphorus and dietary fiber. It is also cheap and safe for household use.

However, cornmeal isn’t an effective ant killer alone. It takes a while for cornmeal to kill ants. Instead of using cornmeal alone, it’s better to use it as part of a baiting system.

To make a bait, mix nine parts cornmeal with one part boric acid. This will create a sticky paste. Place the paste in a plastic container with a lid. The worker ants will take the bait back to the nest. The nest’s larvae will then consume the bait and regurgitate it back into a liquid form.

The queen ant will also be killed when boric acid is added to cornmeal. The bait is also very effective in killing larvae.

If you have a large ant problem, you may want to hire a professional pest control service. These services can also use baits and other spices to keep ants away from your home.